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10 Ways to Motivate Security Techs and Improve Team Productivity

By July 16, 2015 June 24th, 2019 No Comments

Staying on top of security protocols in any organization is an important part of ensuring its success. When managing a security team, it is important to set expectations and standards early in individual relationships to make sure everyone is on the same page. When a security tech understands their role and responsibilities, team productivity is increased.

Here are 10 ways to help a security tech team improve team productivity:

1. Provide regular updates on progress

Providing regular updates on progress allows the employee to make improvements when needed. When employees are aware of their deficiencies, they are more apt to take steps to do better.

2. Make employees accountable

Giving your security team autonomy in handling their overall responsibilities makes them accountable for anything that may go awry while they are in charge. This forces them to take a vested interest in their job and performance.

3. Give them reasons to care about quality

When you treat your employees well, they will want to treat your organization well. Give them a reason to do a great job and protect the infrastructure of your company. When the standards of an organization are high, and quality is a core value, the organization runs like a well-oiled machine.

4. Tie compensation to performance incentives

Compensation plays a big role in performance. Tying compensation to performance incentives will give employees a reason to do their job, and do it well.

5. Have a daily plan complete with standard procedures

Having a standard set of procedures for your security tech team to follow will help keep your protocols safe. When things are not done to consistent standards, problems start to arise. Having clear expectations from the very beginning will allow your team members to work together in an efficient and productive manner.

6. Create milestones and project checklists

Having project checklists, as well as milestones for your security tech team to achieve, keeps everyone accountable and on track. This is especially helpful when there are numerous tasks to complete on a daily and quarterly basis.

7. Allow the security team to interact and communicate with customers

Allowing the team to interact and communicate with customers gives each team member a chance to see the other side of the organization. This helps them really understand how all processes work together, and how it ultimately affects the bottom line.

8. Create a mentorship program to build confidence

Allow employees to spend a week in the field with an experienced technician to see how things operate, and how their contributions add value to the organization.

9. Involve employees in budgeting and project pricing

Involving employees in tasks such as budgeting and project pricing will give them additional insight into the organization and how budgets are structured for to achieve positive results. Furthermore, it gives them a tangible stake in the organization, while providing additional incentives to succeed and grow with the company.

10. Explain all relationships between efficiency and profitability

Once your employees understand how their efficiency affects profitability, they will have a greater stake in the organization.

These are just a few ways to motivate your security tech team and improve their productivity throughout their department and the entire organization. When developing your standards for performance, keep these tips in mind so that you can increase efficiency, team productivity, and have positive results.

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