Integrate your security system with other automations at your office.
Automated Commercial Security
Smart spaces allow business owners to pre-program or remotely access temperature controls, window blinds, lighting and now, security.
With a smart security system, you can lock doors, turn on security lights, update access control systems and more from anywhere, all at the touch of a button. Your business’ smart security solution can be programed with a set of commands that provide both everyday convenience and strong security.
Whether you’re looking for a smart solution that turns on the lights before you arrive at the office, controls access to storage or reacts to intruders, SHIELD® Security Systems can build it.
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Security in an Instant
Your smart security system knows just what to do in case of an intrusion or emergency. You can program the integrated pieces of your automated facility, including security system, lights, fire prevention and thermostat, to react appropriately. With remote access and control, you can also choose what your smart system does in real time.
Wireless and Internet Communication
SHIELD Security Systems commercial security solutions can transmit signals via internet and wireless cellular communication, which makes smart alarm systems with remote access possible. Cellular communication also allows for secure, lightning fast intrusion and fire alert response for your business. With wireless connectivity, intruders won’t be able to cut your phone line to disable your smart security system.