It may seem convenient to use the same service provider for your Internet connectivity, telephone, cable and home security monitoring, but it may not be the best decision you make. If you do this, you will be putting all your eggs in one basket and the moment your cable connection is affected, everything around you will collapse and that will be the end of your home security.
Bottom line: Leave security system installation and alarm monitoring to the experts.
Three Reasons To Think Twice Before Using A Cable Company For Home Security
If there is a power outage at the cable company, the entire system will be down. You will not be able to monitor your home security system or keep it functioning. This will put you, your loved ones and your home at risk until the power is restored.
Server Problem:
The other possibility is the server going down. If this should happen, your home security system, Internet, cable and telephone will immediately stop working. Nothing will come back online until the problem with the server is resolved. During the downtime, your home will be exposed and you will definitely not feel safe leaving your home unprotected while you are away at work or when your kids return home from school and you are not around.
Lack of Expertise:
Cable companies do not have the necessary expertise to ensure proper working of home security systems. This may inadvertently expose you to faulty home security system or alarm that goes off unnecessarily. When there is a false alarm, you will get stressed out for nothing and if the situation continues, it can be a nuisance. Furthermore, if the alarm actually goes off when there is an entry, you may disregard it thinking it is a false alarm and this could prove to be dangerous or even fatal.
Selecting Your Home Security Service Provider
Rather than relying on your cable company and putting yourself, your near and dear ones and your home at risk, it is recommended that you use a professional security company for home security monitoring. This way you can be assured that the system is always operational. Even if there is a problem, the company will immediately send a technician to attend to it, regardless of the time and day of the week. This offers you peace of mind knowing that you have a reliable security service provider (not a cable company) taking care of all your home security needs.