Shopping smart and saving a few dollars is really important these days – especially during these rough economic times. It’s no different when shopping for a home security system. While it’s great to save money on security, often to save a few dollars, consumers sacrifice things that could really makes their lives easier.
This article will examine 5 different ways you can save some cash, without compromising security service.
- Know the Number Entry Points! Not the size of your home! Often when pricing security system services, companies will consider the size of the home, or square footage. Square footage doesn’t really matter unless your home is considerably large and you’re running concealed hard wires. Sometimes companies will size up your home when they pull in your driveway without actually counting the entry points. There’s no need to pay extra just because your home is large.
- Skip The Second Floor! Some security companies will recommend that windows on the second floor be covered. We think this is a waste of money! It’s not very likely that a would-be burglar will climb up the side of your house to enter a second story window…. Now, if you have a covered patio off the back of your house – that’s a different story. Use common sense. Burglars are inherently lazy. For the most part, second story windows can be left alone. SHIELD counts each and every door and window on the first floor to ensure that you’ll pay the correct amount for your security system.
- Monitoring Is A Must! Often when shopping for security systems on a budget, the first casualty is usually the monthly monitoring. I understand that this might seem like an easy place to cut costs. It’s not! Having your system monitored is probably the most important investment you can make when it comes to home security.Without monitoring, your home and family is left vulnerable. Plus, your homeowner’s insurance won’t cover the loss or damage should a break in occur. It may seem a bit expensive, but it’s extremely cheap compared to the damage an actual break-in could cause. So while you may think your saving yourself a few bucks with an un-monitored alarm system, you’re actually just potentially causing yourself a bigger bill later.
- Ask For Prepay, Senior & Military Discounts! When purchasing security systems, most security system companies are willing to offer a prepay discount to encourage their customers to pay up front. Most often this amount is 5%, and with companies like SHIELD can even be as much as 7%. Additionally, companies offer Senior & Military discounts that can be added on to make the savings even greater! Remember, it never hurts to ask, so ask!
- Don’t Fall For The “FREE” Security Offer Gimmick Don’t you remember that your mother taught you that nothing in this world is free? That fact holds true ten-fold for security systems! (Although, some popular security companies will use the term “free” to make you think that you’re getting a huge value for nothing.) Don’t fall for it. Those “free” systems that seem so appealing on paper will end up costing you twice what they’re actually worth. A quality security company will be honest with you and tell you that there is a modest investment up front and not hide behind the promise of “free” only to charge outrageous monitoring fees.
Need More Tips for Hiring a Security Company? We’ve Got You Covered!
Hiring a great security company and saving money can both be accomplished if you know what you’re looking for! That’s why SHIELD has put together the ultimate security system buying guide for you to use when looking for a security service provider. The best part is that this guide is absolutely free! Simply click the button below to download your free copy today!